There is a pattern of lack of Transparency in the current (and previous) township governing body.

  • Last year the Esakoff and Fiore campaign uncovered violations of the Open Public Meetings act on the part of several committees, most notably the Environmental commission which failed to report meeting minutes for nearly 5 years. That has been corrected as a result of our calling it out.

  • The Readington Business Association is operating under the radar purposefully in order to avoid reporting back to the public. ["no more than 2 committee members attend at a time to comply with OPMA"- Ben Smith Jan 2019]. If more than 2 attend they'd be forced to report publicly. I propose creating an Economics Commission that will be held accountable to the public.

  • At the October 7th meeting just a two weeks ago, the committee changed the way it reports current litigation matters. They said they used to list under the Executive Session agenda ALL litigation regardless of whether it is discussed during the session. Going forward they will only list matters for which they "have a discussion or make a decision" during that meeting. In fact, it may be the case that "one committee member may have a conversation with an attorney separately" if a decision needs to be made. Why stop listing these items? The dollars at stake are high. We need TRANSPARENCY. In fact there are at least two matters not listed: Rosehill and Rosedale Cemetery and Solberg Aviation. It is not clear what fees are associated or what the long term budget impact will be.

ACT now for Change- Vote for me on November 5th and I will continue to push for greater public access to decision-making and information.