Create the Readington Economic Commission (REC) 

  • Assemble key stakeholders and experts to create sustainable growth without detracting from the rural quality of the Township. 

  • The REC’s mission will be to invigorate the local economy while preserving its rural appeal by taking advantage of funding and resources that are available at the local, State and Federal level.

Encourage Healthy Growth

  • Re-purpose vacant commercial properties to create local jobs and generate lasting tax revenue.

  • Encourage businesses that are consistent with the ideals we promote in Readington including outdoors, family, farm supplies as well as tech and pharma related businesses in and along our major commercial corridors.

Revitalize Main Streets

  • Organize coalitions of business owners and residents toward updating Township signage, seating, landscaping, pedestrian friendly spaces, art, and parking options, as well as updating building facades

  • Utilize State grant sources to identify opportunities for civic resource improvement throughout Whitehouse Station, Whitehouse, Three Bridges, Route 22 and 202 to support commerce and encourage local businesses. 



Create the Readington Youth Commission

  • Explore ways to attract and retain young families, a vital step toward maintaining property values and consistent with a sustainable, healthy tax base.

  • Expand recreation programs and facilities including opportunities geared toward older members of our population such as arts programs or meet up groups.

  • Partner with Hunterdon County Parks, YMCA, swim clubs, and arts programs to expand summer camp offerings. 

Connect Readington to surrounding commercial centers

  • Work with neighboring towns to expand train and Park-and-Ride bus services to reduce the stress of a commute to NY or Philadelphia. 

  • Support infrastructure that will enable business to connect to resources available in major commercial centers 

Improve Road Safety

  • Implement speed-control devices and bike lanes on rural roads to promote safe and enjoyable recreation for pedestrians and bicyclists

  • Work with County and State officials to improve the visibility of notoriously dangerous U-Turn cutaways on Route 22.



Update the Township’s Digital Presence

  • Ensure that information is easily found on the Township’s website. 

  • Develop and enhance community-based email and social media platforms to drive unity and engagement among residents and communicate important issues and news.

  • Implement email and social media best practices.

Champion sound fiscal policy

  • Open space responsibly by prioritizing acquisition of open space adjacent to preserved properties with public access in mind. Establish a clear scorecard for evaluating open space acquisition.

  • Balance Open Space acquisition with sound economic sustainability to minimize impact on tax base and reduce debt burden.

  • Develop strategies to pay down the Township’s enormous debt and ensure that new bond issues are fully evaluated and are critical to townships key priorities.